Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

TOWIE secrets and stomp outs

By River Reporter Oct 15, 2012

The Only Way Is Essex reveals more drama than ever this week, especially between Mario and Lucy, in episode five, series seven.

Amy Rosoman


Last night’s TOWIE showed Mario’s secretive texting, the will they/won’t they between Kirk and Lauren Pope continues, Cara gets cellulite treatment, and there is an appearance from Lydia’s Mr Darcy.

Arg seeks comfort from his second family at the Wright’s house. He realises he needs to lose some weight, move on from Lydia and begin a new chapter in his life.

Lucy confronts Mario about texting girls and her issues with trust, to which Mario gives her a loving letter.

Billi and Cara totter to the church, taking their pooches with them (as always), to talk to the priest about their Baptism.

Joey sets up a profile for Arg on a dating website which Arg wants to keep between the two of them. However, Joey being Joey tweets about Arg’s search for a woman.

Mick and Kirk are at the Sugar Hut talking to Honey Jess, who opens up to them about Mario texting her.

Lydia and Debbie visit Lydia’s pig, Mr Darcy, and they reflect on how much has changed in the past couple of years. Tom K watches Lydia at a photo shoot of her new clothing collection and they talk about engagements and marriage.

Billie and Sam select their netball team and the girls get lessons from England’s netball team coach. However, their first game ends up being a bit of a disaster.  They have no netball kit and Gemma is so shocked when she manages to catch the ball that she forgets that the game is still going.

As always, Lauren Pope crops up in Mick and Kirk’s conversation, but after their run in, Kirk does not feel they can be friends.

Bobby pops into Lucy’s shop and Lucy talks about her wedding (will there be one at all?). Charlie walks in as the pair are chatting and Charlie and Bobby apologise to each other, because life is too short.

Cara has cellulite surgery on Sloane Street and Billi visits her with chocolates for herself and grapes for Cara. Tom K comforts Cara after her operation and they discuss the idea of Tom K proposing to Lydia.

Chloe is feeling happier after her date with Diags and they laugh about their plan to get married in four years if neither of them has found anyone else.

Mario calls on Little Chris for a lad’s night out at the Sugar Hut, where drama kicks off between Lucy and Honey Jess. Jess tries to be honest with Lucy, but Lucy bites back saying she should not have replied to Mario. As Honey Jess walks out, Mario walks in and Lucy disappears in tears.

Don’t miss the next TOWIE episode on Wednesday October 17 at 10pm on ITV2.

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