Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Review: Don Jon

By River Reporter Oct 25, 2013
There are not many filmmakers who can write and direct their first film as confidently and self-assuredly as Joseph Gordon-Levitt does in the witty, smart and funny Don Jon
He stars as Jon, and he has a long list of things in his life that he loves – his body, house, car, family, church, friends…and his porn.
It is not often that you hear church and porn in the same sentence (Jon’s love of his church provides some very entertaining confession scenes).
Brilliantly written 
Jon is out at a bar one night when he spots Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) and thinks he could finally get a girl he could make a life with (much to his mother’s delight).
There’s just one problem though – she does not like guys who watch porn.  
Scarlett Johansson’s performance is by far the best. Her New Jersey accent only makes her funnier.
Great one-liners 
Julianne Moore (Esther) lacks screen time compared to Johansson and that damages her performance.
This is a brilliantly written film, with some great one-liners and it is safe to say that this film is not just about porn.  
Gordon-Levitt has successfully brought a controversial subject into mainstream media and made it ingeniously funny. 
Don Jon will be released in cinemas November 15.

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