RAF policy for module changes will affect Kingston students

Changes to modules at Kingston University will affect current first and second years, as well as new students.

Kristina Boudylina

First and second year Kingston University students will be affected by the module policy change which will be implemented in the next academic year.

The academic year starting September 2013 will no longer include a long inter-semester break in January or mid-year exams and assignments. There will be only four modules – all worth 30 credits.

Jane Hargreaves, 25, first year pharmacology student at Kingston said: “What bothers me is that the new system shortens the academic year and cuts out so much. They combined eight modules into four. The year is not broken down, there is the same amount of teaching and more exams so I’m worried how the year is going to finish.”

Lack of variety

Even though this means that the subjects specified will be taught more in-depth, many are concerned with the lack of variety and choice for their money as students are now paying £8,750 for their tuition fees.

However not only students are concerned by the changes, Ms Hargreaves said: “The University will struggle, the professors are struggling and panicking with writing new module guides.  It is hard compiling everything and we won’t be able to choose from four modules, only two, and some of them suck.

“What is even more worrying is that many first year students are uninformed and will get confused with the new module policy. If they fail modules now they will have to retake the whole year so there is no space for failure, which adds to the pressure,” Ms Hargreaves added.

A member of the Kingston Press Office said that the module policy change was vital in order to keep up with the latest developments to student education.

The changes mean that there will be fewer assessments throughout the year and students will take all their exams at the end of the academic year.

Exams will take priority

“We will not try our best for any coursework for any assignment and we are just going to focus on our end of the year exams.  Even though we are doing our best for our coursework, only exams will be important. There will not be an overall mark. If we fail our exams our coursework marks won’t matter so there is no balance,” said pharmaceutical science student Nikta Itashemi, 21.

The controversial RAF policy has triggered mixed reaction amongst students of Kingston University.

Pharmacology student Sarah Stanely, 18, said: “They are prepping us for following year. There’s more work but at the same time that pressure is going to make you determined so you’ll be able to go into your next year properly.”

A member of the Kingston University Press Office commented:  “We are sorry if anyone is disappointed that a module they were looking forward to won’t now feature in their course.”

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