Kingston’s BA fashion students aim to raise £10,000 for an end of year show

Kingston undergraduate fashion students aim to raise thousands of pounds to showcase their designs when they graduate this year. 

Holly Wilson


The event will give third year students the opportunity to show their collections to friends, family and external examiners who will select 20 out of the 66 students to appear in Graduate Fashion Week on June 3.


Third year fashion student Morwenna Trelven, 21 said: “Before now, friends and family could only see your collections if you were fortunate enough to make it to Graduate Week. This will give everyone an equal opportunity to show off all their hard work over the last three years to their loved ones.”




A catwalk has not taken place before due to financial constraints but this year students are willing to fund the event themselves, to enhance their portfolios and improve their chances of featuring in Graduate Week. 


All students on the course have a target to reach, with third year students having to raise £100 each before April. The money will go towards paying models, hair, makeup artists, photographers and photographs for portfolios. Students have raised £1,000 from cake sales, personal contributions and proceeds from the Inter/course night at McClusky’s in January. 


“Most fashion schools like London College of Fashion and Central Saint Martins host an internal fashion show so now we feel we’re on par. We’re hoping this will become a tradition and that the following years will keep this event going,” said fashion student Hannah Evans, 21.


The show has been scheduled to take place on May 24 but will only go ahead if all the money is raised. Students will be fundraising on the campuses over the next few months. To help make this possible, buy some cakes, get involved or click here to make a donation. 



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