We all get drunk and make stupid decisions from time to time, like blacking out and forgetting how we got home, spending an obscene amount of money on drinks or sending multiple texts to an ex-boyfriend.
But one KU student broke into her ex-boyfriend’s house on the first week of Freshers’ Fortnight because she had convinced herself they had not broken up.
Graphic Design student, Tess Edwards, 20, picked the lock of Will Hoskin’s side door on Denmark Road at around 11pm on Tuesday September 19 and snuck in to his house whilst he was home alone.
“I tapped him on the shoulder and he just freaked out. He jumped up and asked me how I got in. I remember saying I didn’t believe we were broken up and that we were still together. Apparently I was wrong,” she recalls.
Edwards had planned to go for quiet drinks at The Mill on Kingston’s riverside with her friends to take her mind off’ the breakup.
Later that night her friends had to take her home because had vomited on herself.

Edwards said: “My friend was walking me back to my house, but the route we took went straight past my ex’s house. I made a beeline for his house without warning and tried to find a way to get in.”
“The more I drank the more I realised how upset I was so I kept drinking more and more. I literally drank my feelings away until I thought breaking in and asking for him back was a good idea,” she said.
Edwards said that Hoskins walked her home to make sure she was safe after they had talked things through. He had ended the relationship of 7 months the day before the break in.
Elizabeth Jarratt, Edwards’ housemate, was at home at the time of the break in and had confronted Edwards when she arrived home covered in vomit and accompanied by her ex-boyfriend.
“She was in quite a state, I had to clean her up and put her to bed. I think he was very confused as to how she had got in his house.”
Edwards had drunk an entire bottle of wine and had spent over 20

minutes vomiting in the toilets of The Mill. She describes the night as “a bit of a blur.”
When asked about how she felt the next day, Edwards said: “I felt so embarrassed. I had vomited on myself and broke into my ex’s house. Not the best night on record. My head was also pounding from all the wine.”
Edwards and her boyfriend have not reconciled their relationship since the incident. Hoskins has declined to comment.