Review: Kim Ann Foxman’s Return it/Hypnotic Dance

Kim Ann Foxman brings a taste of her NY underground house as she goes solo again.

Oscar Galvany

Kim Ann Foxman’s latest effort, Return it/Hypnotic Dance is an interesting EP that can definitely support the career achievements from her critically acclaimed band, Hercules and Love Affair.

The two original tracks of the EP (the other two are remixes of the previous ones) talk about relationships, either between friends or lovers, focusing on the balance of what each integrant of the relationship gives and receives.

Here, Foxman shows a decent capability for the lyrics, something she does not normally get to do in Hercules and Love Affair.


The first track, Return it, is a slightly repetitive but nevertheless danceable approach to more minimalistic house and disco.

A simple electric drumbeat keeps the rhythm of the dance floor going, while some rather atmospheric sounds back up Foxman’s delicate vocals in the background.

The drumbeat is very similar in Hypnotic Dance, but here we get to perceive Foxman’s voice in a clearer way, with more elaborated lyrics and a more condensed mix of effects and sounds that add to the groove of the song.

The EP also includes two interesting mixes of the two tracks made by New York DJ’s Populette, and Berlin’s Steffi. Each of them give a different interpretation to the tracks that, basically, will make your hips shake on the dance floor.  

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