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Kingston student raises money for animal documentary

By River Reporter Jan 9, 2014


A Kingston student who has raised £500 in three days for an animal documentary, said she was overwhelmed by the support, but is still looking to raise more.

Third year media and cultural studies student, Nanna Påskesen, is making a film about animal behaviour in Zoos.

Three days after publishing a short video explaining her final year media project online, Påskesen reached her goal of raising £500, but is now looking to extend her project.

“I think my stretch goal will be £800-£900 so that I can get a longer interview and come ‘behind the scenes’ at London zoo,” said Påskesen.

The 23-year-old decided to raise the money she needs in 30 days, but received £300 worth of donations on the first day.

“Other students, friends and family have been really supportive and I even got a £250 donation from an anonymous MP, who did not want me say who he was.”

Påskesen, who grew up on a farm in Denmark, said that she has always been passionate about animals and wants to work with animal conservation.

“I was never really good with science at school, so I thought why not go the creative way and see if I can help animals by making a video?

“I want to make a change, but it’s hard on a student budget,” she added. “That’s why I am asking for help so that I can pay entrance, interview fees and transportation.” 

To see and support her project, click here

Nanna Påskesen

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