Kingston plants 500 trees with help of nature-loving residents

Trees in Canbury Gardens in Kingston. Photo credit: Ollie AugusteCanbury Gardens in Kingston (pictured) is a location residents have chosen new trees to be planted. Photo Credit: Ollie Auguste

Kingston Council is in the process of planting 500 trees this winter in locations chosen by residents.

One hundered and fifty local people responded to the council’s Winter Tree Planting Survey, nominating locations where they believe the trees should take root.

The project is part of Kingston Council’s commitment to improve the natural environment and protect biodiversity.

Kingston upon Thames was ranked the best borough in London for green space by property website Share to Buy in 2021.

Councillor Ian Manders, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action and Sustainable Transport said: “Kingston is committed to tackling climate change and mitigating its impacts.

“Tree planting is just one of the ways that we can improve the environment and help make Kingston a greener borough.”

All respondents to the survey were successful in choosing locations for crab apple trees (Malus Evereste), native English oak trees (Quercus robur) and a variety of other species.

The council is also offering residents and community groups the chance to plant 50 Queen Elizabeth field maple trees (Acer campestre Queen Elizabeth) in honour of the late monarch.

This is part of the Queen’s Green Canopy project, in which over a million trees are being planted as a legacy to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

If you would like to reserve a tree to be planted in a location of your choosing then the deadline for requests is Friday February 3.

By Ollie Auguste

Video/Podcast Editor Interests include: Sport, Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, Arts & Entertainment, Fashion