Kingston residents fear tree loss as housing developments grow

Trees in Canbury Gardens in Kingston. Photo credit: Ollie AugusteCanbury Gardens in Kingston (pictured) is a location residents have chosen new trees to be planted. Photo Credit: Ollie Auguste

The development of the Cambridge Road Estate is raising environmental concerns. The completely new estate, will be ready in the year of 2025/26 and will create a number of new renovated flats, houses and maisonettes.

Residents living in the area have expressed concerns that the push for new housing could come at the expense of the borough’s natural assets. Khadija Bouraki has expressed her feelings on this matter: “I know that more homes are needed for local residents, however cutting down a lot of the trees isn’t the way to go when we think about the environmental aspect of things.”

Green Party member Siân Berry said in a letter to that council in 2021 that: “The plans for the demolition of the Cambridge Road Estate include the destruction of 61 mature trees, out of some 180 trees comprising over 30 different species.” Most of these trees that are getting cut down are over 50 years old.

Some fear that the loss of mature trees and green spaces could lead to increased pollution, and a decline in the overall quality of life in the borough.

The council has acknowledged these concerns and emphasises that environmental considerations are crucial to their planning process. Despite these assurances, some residents are still not convinced. Recent planned building works have involved the removal of several trees due to safety concerns, such as decay or the trees falling down due to weather. While these removals are justified on safety grounds, they contribute to the perception of diminishing green spaces.

Residents living across the Cambridge estate are calling for more trees to be planted as well as the new homes being built, to ensure that the borough’s growth does not come at the expense of its environment.