Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

KU celebrates LGBT+ History Month

By Ella Devereux Feb 12, 2022
LGBT+ flag outside KU buildingThe updated LGBT+ flag can be found on all four KU campuses. Photo: Ella Devereux

Kingston University has created a line-up of events in support of LGBT+ History Month.

Throughout February, the LGBT+ Campaign Committee at KU have organised events for both staff and students, including panel talks, drag shows and film screenings.

All the events are free to attend but any money raised at the events will be given to Mermaids, a British charity which help transgender and gender-diverse children, young people and their families.

As well as this, they have supported the Ban Conversation Therapy campaign with popup stalls and by displaying large posters in KU corridors.

Ban Conversion Therapy campaign poster
The Ban Conversion Therapy campaign posters have been displayed at Penrhyn Road. Photo: Ella Devereux

The latest revised LGBT+ flag, which now incorporates the intersex flag, can also be seen at each KU campus entrance.

Shane Simpkin, the previous LGBT+ officer for KU and National Union of Students LGBT+ rep, said: “This is a month to spotlight and celebrate our journeys, lives and to remember those who have been lost.

“We can use this time to open the doors for discussion, learning and kindness. Campaigning and the tireless work of queer activists does not stop until we
achieve our goals.”

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