Holocaust Memorial Day fell on January 27 this year: the day we commemorate and honour the 11 million victims of severe hate, racism and discrimination.
This is the day Trump ironically signed his Muslim travel ban, which denies entry for citizens of seven Muslim majority countries: Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya and Syria, for 90 days.
As a British Muslim with a Turkish heritage, it is quite infuriating to sit back and watch the same sort of hate, racism and discrimination take place today, especially in a country founded on immigration and freedom of religion.
People argue that this is not a Muslim ban as not all Muslim-majority countries have been banned.
However, I want to present you with Trump’s own words: “Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”
Also, he has specifically stated that Christian refugees from these seven countries will be allowed entry, in contrast to Muslim refugees.

Anyone who argues that this is not a Muslim ban should think again as he has made his intentions quite clear, and putting this ban into action on the remembrance day of the deadliest genocide in history reveals his demonic character.
I understand that some of these countries are rated as “extreme risk” and have terrorism issues, but this does not justify banning an entire nation, or seven, for the actions of a few.
I do not see why millions of Muslims, including myself, should suffer the consequences of any atrocity that has been carried out by another Muslim.
Hitler manipulated an entire nation by feeding them the ‘let’s keep our country unified and restore our traditional values’ propaganda and repulsively dehumanised groups of people.
We have been hearing this quote used quite a lot nowadays.
Trump has been throwing this pathetic sentence left, right and centre to justify his unfathomable actions, one being the temporary Muslim travel ban.
Thousands of demonstrators, and a number of Kingston University students, protested this travel ban in Downing Street while millions protested worldwide.
It is very safe to say that this uncompassionate devil is spewing his satanic bigotry onto the public.
No entry to the US for seven “Muslim-majority country” nationals.
He argues that he implemented this ban to make America “feel safe again” after the September 11 attacks.
But it is also interesting to see which countries are not on the list.
The irony lies in the fact that terrorists from Saudi have killed more Americans than any “Muslim” national that is on the banned list, and most of the terrorists that were involved in the September 11 attacks were from Saudi. Yet Saudi Arabia is not on any no-fly list.

Trump also failed to add Egyptians to his Muslim ban, which is absurd remembering that Mohammed Atta, the leader of the September 11 hijackers, was Egyptian.
So why are the two countries, associated with the September 11 terror, not included if he introduced this ban for security issues following this terror?
This is extremely contradictory and arbitrary.
Could it be because of business interests he has with the wealthy Saudis – and let us not forget that Saudi is the second largest oil exporter to the US.
Also, Trump seems to be involved in a “special relationship” with Egypt’s General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, which might explain why Egypt is not on the list.
What my brain cannot process is the logic behind this, but I guess it is my own fault for expecting anything logical to come out of the Devil-like Donald Trump’s mouth.
No citizen from the seven nations listed has reportedly committed any acts of terrorism on US soil and he has avoided adding the Muslim countries to the “banned” list in those he has business interests in: Turkey, Egypt and Saudi.
So the joke is on you if you think he doesn’t have financial and political motives behind this ban.
This does not look like a safety measure, at all.
What is even more absurd and infuriating is that millions of people are supporting this villainous bigotry.

Trump vs. Hitler
How many times does history have to repeat itself for us to learn a lesson? Muslims and foreigners are being demonised and discriminated against and this has absolutely no place in today’s society.
Hitler and Trump have both used racism to rise to power; proposed mass deportations and blamed groups of people for their countries’ problems.
America is far from being a democratic, free country.
However, I want to believe that we have come a long way since Nazism. What warms my heart is that millions of people all over the world have protested this ban and have signed petitions, regardless of race or religious belief.
This restores my faith in humanity and I hope we all stick together, as the human race, to prevent another “ethnic cleansing” horror.