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Ed Davey hints at Lib Dem leadership aspirations

By Christopher Jutting Jan 26, 2015
Ed Davey has said that he would lead the party "if it fell to him". PICTURE: Peter White/Flickr creative commons

Kingston and Surbiton MP Ed Davey has hinted at aspirations to lead the Liberal Democrats after Nick Clegg steps down.

In a radio interview he said that he had thought about the possibility of leading the party, and said that if Clegg ever decided to “hang up his clogs”, he would consider the prospect of putting
forward his candidacy for leader.

In the interview, Davey said: “If it turns out that Nick Clegg hangs up his clogs as leader […] in a few years’ time, when he does that, of course there will be colleagues like myself, who will think about whether they want to stand for leader.”

When questioned about his allegiance to the party if the Lib Dems suffer a humiliation at the General Election, Davey said that he was confident about the party’s chances and that he would stand with the party “whatever happens”.

Davey is not the only Lib Dem MP with his eye on the leadership. Danny Alexander, who has always worked closely with Nick Clegg, was rumoured to be “positioning himself” to run as party leader back in May 2014.

Political commentators have predicted a wipe-out for the Lib Dems in this May’s general election, meaning that the role of part leader is beginning to look less attractive.

However, Ed Davey made clear that staying with the party was a matter of principle for him. “I joined [the Liberal Democrats] because of values, principles, [and] liberalism. “Of making sure that we have an internationalist approach, that we are about a fairer society, that we care about the environment and communities.

“Whatever happens, I’m going to be a member of this party. If one day it falls to me to lead it then obviously I would like to do that.”

To listen to the interview, click here.

By Christopher Jutting

Outgoing editor of The River's newspaper team. Interested in foreign affairs, classical music and good coffee. Dresses in clothes your dad might wear. Contact me at if you'd like to talk to me directly, or use for general enquiries.

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