Stuck for costume ideas this Halloween? Sick of going as a sexy cat for the sixth year in a row? Want to catch people’s eye with an inventive, original outfit? Just don’t copy any of these idiots and you should be on the right track.
1. Oscar Pistorius
This costume named ‘Blade Gunner’ appeared on Amazon earlier this month but was swiftly taken down for not meeting the seller guidelines. While Amazon did not specify who the costume is supposed to be based on, we can pretty much all guess. However, online retailer Joker’s Masquerade still stocks the costume if you fancy sprinting away from a mob of angry clubbers. We hope that for £22.99 the material is sweat resistant to an Olympic standard.

2. Kim Kardashian Paris robbery
Online site, Costumeish provided a rather elaborate description for this strikingly obvious Kim Kardashian Paris robbery outfit. The costume has since been removed from the site. Titled: ‘Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume Kit,’ the outfit is complete with a plastic ring that suspiciously resembles Kim K’s famous jewellery piece that was taken by the robbers, a long black wig that just so HAPPENS to look exactly like hers, rope for the hands and a gag. Subtle guys.

3. Alton Towers crash
Last year, students from the University of Nottingham dressed up as the Alton Towers crash victims shortly before Halloween as part of a University pub crawl. The Student’s Union denied that the costumes reference the crash specifically, stating that the group were merely dressed as a rollercoaster despite the group posing with safety bars and fake limbs. The news was quickly circulated on Twitter, where victims of the crash Joe Pugh and Leah Washington condemned the outfits as “disgusting” and “disrespectful.” We are sure the hangover regrets were even more painful than usual the next morning.

4. Zombie MH370 flight crew
Thankfully, this outfit is not available to buy online anywhere, and it’s pretty easy to understand why. However, this didn’t stop certain partygoers dressing up as zombies from the flight disappearance that occurred in 2014. Several different groups posted similar outfits on social media in the same year. The outfits received backlash from the daughter of the MH370 chief steward, the President of The National Union of Flight Attendants and members of the public.

5. Trump groping his wife Melania
This uncanny costume was debuted by journalists Jemima Kahn at the Unicef Halloween Ball in 2016. Kahn said she wore it to highlight the horror of the numerous allegations of sexual assault made against the President. While this most probably caused offence to victims, the costume was actually sold on Ebay, named ‘Original Trump Groper Costume’, with the proceeds going towards Syrian refugees “because that is what Trump would want,” Khan remarked on Twitter. The final total of the auction was £4,200 on October 28 2015. We think Melania would secretly approve.