KU graduate, dancer and choreographer Saffron Smith will judge the Bentall Centre Christmas TikTok challenge.
Smith also choreographed the dance video posted to advertise the competition on The Bentall Centre’s TikTok account.
Smith said: “To create a dance choreography I listen to the song, and I get ideas in my mind on the bus, train and on walks and then I piece things together. “
The routine she performed with a team of dancers for the competition was a hip-hop style to the Sleigh Ride Trap remix song.
She will be judging the dance routines on the feeling that comes through the movements, the joy, the energy, and the way they add their own flavour to the dance than on the technique.
Smith is an accomplished contemporary and hip-hop dancer who specialises in animation and popping.
Smith teaches free beginner hip-hop classes called Zeal at Kingston’s Town House.

The Bentall dance challenge ends at midnight on December 19. The best dance video submission will be chosen, and the winner will be announced.
The cash prize is £200 and may only be spent at the Kingston Bentall Centre, it is not transferable.
You must follow Bentall Centre Kingston on TikTok and tag the account to enter the competition. The competition winner must collect the cash prize in person.
“I hope people will feel free and eager to participate in the competition and add their own flare onto my movement there is no wrong way of doing it.”
Saffron Smith