KCSOC hosts biannual wellness retreat

Cow pulling a cart at the retreatCows pulling a cart at the retreat. Credit: National KCSOC team

Kingston University’s Krishna Consciousness Society will host its biannual wellness retreat on November 13 2021 at Bhaktivedanta Manor in Hertfordshire.

KCSOC will be hosting it’s first CTRL ALT RETREAT of the year, encouraging Kingston students to join them on one of the biggest student wellbeing events across the country according to Madhvee Ramkhelawon, President of the Kingston KCSOC.

The retreat is hosted twice a year, and is not only available to Kingston students but to the wider branches of the KCSOC family, with 300+ vacancies open for the one-day haven.

“It’s important because it’s a chance for us not only to meet new people and get to know our own Kingston students, but also to meet 300+ like-minded students across the country,” said Madhvee Ramkhelawon.

Kingston students are still being actively encouraged to sign up.

Ramkhelawon said: “Kingston student’s community would definitely benefit a lot more if more of our students got involved.”

CTRL ALT RETREAT is a collaboration between all the KCSOCs across the UK, involving a day full of activities and workshops to improve students’ mental wellbeing.

“Students get to participate in activities like cow care – brushing and giving a baby cow a bath, learning and trying conscious cooking and Ayurveda [medicine], Q&As with monks, yoga with qualified instructors, inner art and many more,” said Ramkhelawon.

KCSOC also carries out mantra meditation both on the Kingston campus and at the upcoming event. The idea of the retreat is to promote wellbeing and a positive mindset.

Ramkhelawon said: “Being at an event with so many other like-minded students and engaging in the group mantra meditation, known as kirtan, is such a powerful tool to incorporate positivity in our lives.”