Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Kingston Community Lottery: extra funding enables charities to foster relationships with KU students

By Georgia McJannett-Smith Oct 14, 2021
Yellow, white, green, purple and blue lottery balls spinningLottery balls spinning. Photo: Dylan Nolte on Unsplash

The Kingston Community Lottery has launched which will provide charities and organisations with more funds and help involve KU students in local projects. The first draw was held on Saturday.

The funds from the community lottery will enable not-for-profit organisations and charities, including The Community Brain and Mind in Kingston, to continue to do more within the community and KU.

The Community Brain helps people use their natural talent and creative energies to develop stronger communities and relationships.

Robin Hutchinson, a Director of The Community Brain said: “We really love the relationship we have with Kingston University and its students. With our Tolworth projects we have had over 500 students involved to date with more getting involved with other projects this new term.

“We welcome the chance and opportunity for students to bring their imagination, brilliance and talents to help our ambitions and look forward to more engagement,” said Hutchinson.

Kingston School of Art’s Graphic Design MA students have worked closely with The Community Brain, with work from around 10 KU alumni displayed in the reception at Knights Park.

The organisation is currently working with BA and MA Architecture students and has projects on the horizon with Creating Writing and Publishing students.

Other KU departments have also got involved with local charities.

Most recently Mind in Kingston hosted a talk with third-year psychology students last Thursday. 

“It was a pleasure to speak today to the bright minds studying Psychology at @kingstonuni,” after their ‘Meet the Masters’ talk with Kooth plc and Salutem Care and Education making the panel,” tweeted Mind in Kingston. 

How does the community lottery work and how can I get involved?

According to the Kingston Community Lottery website, from every £1 ticket sale 60p will go to local good causes in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames.

Ticket holders can win a jackpot of up to £25,000, whilst also helping organisations within Kingston that work closely with KU students.

The 29 causes affiliated with the community lottery are set to collectively raise just over £10,000 in 2021 and 20 per cent of their ticket goal has been reached so far.

You can enter the next draw here to support an organisation or charity of your choice.

Alternatively, if you are a local organisation that wants to get involved, you can sign up here. 

By Georgia McJannett-Smith

Website Editor Interests: Heavy music, coffee and writing

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