Students at Kingston Business School now have to check-in to lectures via an app by tapping their KU ID card onto readers located in each room.
The system, referred to as the Supportive Attendance Scheme, has replaced paper registers at Kingston Business School. The Supportive Attendance Scheme will be rolled out to other faculties in 2017/2018.

“There is a wide body of research that demonstrates that those students who actively engage with all aspects of university life, including full attendance at timetabled events, are more likely to be successful in their studies,” a Kingston University spokesperson said.
The University says they recognises that poor attendance may indicate that students are experiencing personal challenges and hope that by asking students to register their attendance, it will make it easier to identify anyone with difficulties to appropriate specialist support at an early stage.
Business Management student Silje Gjølstad, 22, said: “I think the new system is a lot better than keeping a register on a piece of paper.
“It is also a lot more environment friendly.”
Business Management student Gabriel Haakonsen, 23, said: “I think it’s much easier with the new registration. Now you just touch your card instead if having to wait for the paper register to be sent around.
“This way more people might show up as well since you can’t make your friends sign the register for you.”