Kingston University confirms 40 new coronavirus cases

KU numbers remain in the middle ranks among universities affected by coronavirus.KU numbers remain in the middle ranks among universities affected by coronavirus.

Kingston University confirmed 40 new coronavirus cases on Monday, taking the total number of cases to 104 this academic year.

This is the highest weekly number of cases registered so far; 26 more than the previous week.

Despite the rise in cases, KU numbers remain in the middle ranks among universities affected by coronavirus.

According to data from University and College Union, Newcastle University (2,305 cases) has confirmed the most cases among UK universities so far, with the University of Nottingham second with 2,160 cases.

Among London universities, University College London has confirmed the most cases so far with 603.

Last Thursday Kingston University confirmed that, despite the second lockdown, university will continue with the current blended learning approach.

By Laurynas Puikys

Journalism student from Kingston University and Editor of The River. Main interests: books, basketball and motorsports.