KU students climb Kilimanjaro for clean water

KU’s Challenge Society will climb Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money and awareness for the English water and sanitation charity Dig Deep.

The society are aiming to raise tens of thousands of pounds for the charity which helps local communities and schools in Kenya by providing them with clean water and sanitation.

Ashlie West, the group leader, said the team felt it was a worthwhile cause and that they were happy to go to all lengths with their fundraising to ensure they reach their targets.

West said: “As we are such a big group we will be raising over £50,000 which will go directly to communities and schools in Kenya,” West said. “Which means we will be making a massive impact which is a really great feeling.”

Throughout the year the 33-strong team will be holding various fundraisers throughout the year including bake sales, pool tournaments, bungee jumping and fancy dress lectures.

“I believe basic simple rights like food, water and shelter should be accessible to everyone and the opportunity I have been given enables me to provide hundreds of people with clean water, something that millions of us take for granted everyday,” said West.

To get involved look on Facebook and the Kingston University Challenge Society Events. If you would be interested in getting involved with the Kilimanjaro team, either climbing the mountain or helping organise events and fundraisers, or would like more information email kingstonclimbskili@gmail.com
