Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

KU Talent Job Fair is a hit with students

By Sophie Mcconnell Oct 5, 2017
KU Talent, Kingston University's career centre organised the job fair.

Students queued down the corridors of Penrhyn Road campus to attend the Part-Time Jobs Fair organised by KU Talent yesterday.

With 20 stands present at the fair, advertising various jobs, students had the opportunity to speak to employers, network, build confidence and learn about part-time opportunities that can support students’ studies.

Leighton Wint, a Kingston university student, signed up for Sports4Kids, a sports coaching opportunity for children between the ages of 18 months to seven years: “Today made me realise that there are jobs out there that are flexible around a student’s schedule; the jobs aren’t even boring either. They’re the sort of jobs you don’t think students do, I love working with kids so that’s why I’ve signed up for it.”

A spokesperson for KU Talent, James O’Hare, stated: “We held this particular event to help build students’ confidence in regards to meeting employers. It’s good for students to network, and part-time jobs look great on students’ CVs, it is all about raising their employability, preparing them for life after university in regards to employment.”

The job options included part-time work, holiday work or casual hours. Employers were keen to get students on board and appreciated the stress of working alongside studying.

“I know it’s not easy, I’ve been there and tried to do it myself. But you have to remember that all employers here today know that everyone enquiring are students and therefore hours have to be flexible,” said Katie Wylde, who was promoting jobs at Bentalls Kingston.

The job offers didn’t end in the UK; American Summers connects individuals with job placements at summer camps in the United States.

Anna South, a second-year business student, had a job last year and was looking for new work this year. “Having a part-time job allowed me to gain valuable experience and skills. I also have extra money to enjoy life outside of class and work.”

If you are interested in any part-time job opportunities or need further support contact KU Talent on







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