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Kingston student casts spell on Graham Norton and walks free from the ‘red chair’

By River Reporter Nov 22, 2012

Samantha Bird

A Kingston University student was featured on The Graham Norton Show in an episode alongside Cameron Diaz and Rod Stewart.

History and international relations student, Yasmin Cotton, was chosen to sit in the ‘red chair’ and tell a funny story to the audience.

“Once I was on the chair I was alright, I just stared at the camera and tried to remember to breathe,” said Yasmin.

Yasmin tells her funny story and has Graham Norton in stiches

Her story was date related. When the ‘fit bloke’ she was out with leant in for a kiss, Yasmin accidentally burped in his face. To make matters worse, she had eaten garlic bread for a starter.

Had Yasmin failed to impress Norton with a funny story, she would have been flipped over backwards and humiliated on TV.

Luckily, the story was embarrassing enough to let Yasmin walk free. But before she even told her story, the student encountered another egg-on-face moment.

Yasmin tells Norton on live telly she is studying witchcraft

When asked what she studies, she accidently told Graham Norton that she was doing a degree in witchcraft, when it is actually just her dissertation that is on witchcraft.

“The crowd is really loud when they laugh and I couldn’t really hear what he said. I panicked and told him history and witchcraft was my degree,” said Yasmin.

When Yasmin revealed her embarrassing story to the nation, Graham quickly replied, “Oh, you really are studying witchcraft”.

“I felt so relieved. I’m only 5ft, so when I was on the chair my feet didn’t touch the floor, if he had flipped me I’d have gone flying,” said Yasmin.

Yasmin walks free from the ‘red chair’

Yasmin waited backstage until the other recordings had been done and then was taken back to her chair in the audience. At that time she was unaware that she was the only one who was not flipped back.

It was later when her friends told her that she had won the prize that it really kicked in.

Unfortunately, Yasmin has yet to hear more about her prize money.

“I have bills to pay, so yes, I will be sending Graham Norton a personal letter asking about the prize,” said Yasmin.

Yasmin took part in the show based on a spur of the moment decision.

How Yasmin landed a place on stage

“When we were standing in line some guy was going around asking if anybody had any stories for the red chair, if so, we would get in quicker, so I jumped to it,” said Yasmin.

Yasmin had only ever watched the show once and did not know what could happen or what Norton would ask her.

“It was a really good experience but humiliating at the same time. And after what he said, I think my mum wants a few words with him.”

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