Barcadia avoided losing its licence after a meeting with Kingston Police at Kingston Council on Thursday.

Kaia Tufteland and Gemma Coleman

After an unannounced visit from police officers in late February the Metropolitan Police issued an application for a review of Barcadia’s licence.

During the visit the bar failed to provide the number of people inside the premises and the police estimated that the limit of people allowed had been exceeded.

Responsible operators

Licence holder Huseyin Sanli and his representative took part in the meeting and came to agreements with the police and with the Environmental Health department.

Mr Sanli said: “We are pleased that we came to an agreement with environment health and the Kingston Police.

“We look forward to working closer with both authorities and I think we have shown again that we are very responsible operators.”

ID device obligation

Barcadia were given 20 working days to replace security and door staff with Security Industry Authority (SIA) registered employees in order to keep their licence.

The were also obliged to install an ID device. All  patrons seeking entry would  have to go through this device which would record the numbers entering.

Read the full story in the next issue of The River, out on April 26.