The President remains in power after VP Activities Lauren McCormack called for change in leadership.

Ollie Gillman

President Sean Kelly will see out the rest of his term as Students’ Union leader after defeating a vote of no confidence.

KUSU’s executive committee met on Wednesday, April 17 to vote on the President’s future after a petition was signed by over 200 students calling for a change in leadership.

President Kelly won with 80 per cent of the exec’s vote.

Ten SU representatives voted, two for no confidence, seven against and one abstention. Under SU rules at emergency meetings of the committee, abstentions count against the motion in question, in this case the motion of no confidence.

Had Mr Kelly lost the vote, there could have been a by-election to choose a temporary president until President-elect Denza Gonsalves takes over the reins in July.

Tensions within SU?

The petition was created by Lauren McCormack, Vice President Activities, and may cause tension among the Students’ Union leadership.

Mr Kelly denied this, and said: “I respect colleagues for ensuring that KUSU has maximum accountability and there are no tensions in the office. We work well as a team and have maintained professionalism throughout this whole period and I am very proud of all of our officers.

“I’m really pleased that a large majority of the executive committee voted to keep me as President of KUSU and am delighted that I can continue to work for students here at KU.

“I believe it was the right decision, I am pleased that what I consider the right and fair decision was made.”

Poor President

Ms McCormack said before the vote: “Having worked with Sean for six months, there have not been any demonstrable outcomes or results thus far, neither have there been any plans from Sean to show any input or focus on working on upcoming plans, campaigns or activities which would enable him to fulfil his role as KUSU President.”

The £19,500-a-year position requires Mr Kelly to act as the lead representative for all Kingston SU projects and campaigns as well as act as the voice of the students.

At the meeting, the committee decided to dismiss International Students’ Officer Clement Tataru from the executive for missing three consecutive meetings.

Mr Kelly’s full response “regarding the petition as a whole” can be viewed here as well as his documentation of his efforts as President.

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