Ida Aagenaes

Royal pregnancy
The joyful news of the Duchess of Cambridge’s pregnancy broke early with an unexpected hospital visit and was followed by a tragic death after an Australian hoax call.

The royal announcement came earlier than plan by the couple because the Duchess was admitted to hospital suffering from severe pregnancy sickness.

They had decided to wait with the announcement as the Duchess was not yet 12 weeks pregnant but the hospital visit forced a premature revelation which was met by an “overjoyed royal family.

The tragic death of Jacintha Saldanha, a nurse at the King Edward IIV hospital where the Duchess was admitted has caused a shadow on the nation’s happy news.

The Duchess has expressed she was “deeply saddened” by the death after a hoax call from an Australian radio station.
The DJ’s behind the call, impersonating the Queen and Prince Charles, have been suspended pending an investigation.

PM for gay marriage
Prime Minister Cameron announced he was backing gay marriages last week causing strong reactions from fellow Conservative party members and Catholic leaders.

The legislation is a compromise allowing same-sex faith ceremonies although churches, synagogues and mosques can refuse to perform them.
Former Prime Minister Sir John Major is one of several senior Tories in favour of the bid, however Conservative MPs have warned of Cameron splitting the party and Catholic leader Cardinal Keith O’Brian has condemned gay marriage calling it an “aberration”. 

James Arthur, 24, won the X-factor on Sunday beating booker’s favourite Jahmene Douglas becoming the contest’s ninth winner.

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