Ollie Gillman

Movember is a month associated with men and their moustaches, from the glorious and bushy to teenage bumfluff.

So imagine the Students’ Union’s surprise when Vice President Student Life Lucy Williams declared she was getting a moustache tattoo to raise money for Movember. The campaign raises funds and awareness of men’s health issues with its main benefactor being Prostate Cancer UK.

Lucy’s motivation is her grandfather, who is currently battling prostate cancer.

“It’s really difficult seeing a man as strong as my pops being attacked by cancer and not being able to do anything, especially since I live so far away, so in some small way this is me fighting for him,” Lucy said.

“My mo is for life, not just for Movember,” she added, hoping to raise £500 for the cause.

Getting inked

The tattoo will be inked on her wrist by Old London Road Tattoos, free of charge, at the end of the month.

“The tattoo is definitely not on my face. I’m charitable, but not that charitable! Let’s face it, the whole idea is absolutely ridiculous,” Lucy said.

She added: “It’s all for a good cause and at least I’ll have a good story to tell down the pub.”

Lucy’s raising money as part of the Kingston University Video Game Society’s (KUVeGaS) team, who hope to raise £500. They’re up to £420 already, but the more the merrier says team captain Henry Eaton.

Henry, who is also president of KUVeGaS, said: “It’s been great having Lucy on the team. I think her pledge of getting a permanent mo tattooed on her is brilliant, and it’s why she’s getting so many sponsors.”

He said he likes Movember because “chaps and chapettes can participate together, which is something you don’t often see when it comes to health charities that are specific to just one of the genders,” adding that everyone looks “that little bit more dapper”.

Raising awareness and raising funds

Movember raised £79.3m last year, helping to support the 40,000 people a year diagnosed with prostate cancer and reminding people that men’s health is a serious issue.

Henry said: “Movember raises awareness in an obvious, fun and original way.”

You can donate to Lucy by going on the Movember website, www.uk.movember.com and searching for Lucy Williams.

Hundreds around Uni are sporting moustaches this month. Including Rynhym Promnitz, supervisor at Foodstore, Riccardo Cellotini, MA film-making student and Tewolde Hagos, a third-year pharmacology student.

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