Students react to controversial Facebook page

Ryan Rocastle 
The Facebook page ‘Spotted: Penrhyn Library’ has caused a backlash amongst students and the Vice-Chancellor has threatened to kick the pupils behind it out of the University if it is not removed. 
The River‘sTwitter page asked students what they thought of the group that wants you to: “Take a break from revision and let that person you’ve been giving the eyes to all day know how you really feel.”
One user named @deeedoo said the group was used for cowards. Responding to the Vice-Chancellor’s call for the page’s removal, the user said: “Yes! And another example of internet trolls hiding behind a page. #cyberbullying.” 
@hanabizzle added: “In theory it could be fine, a bit of fun, but in reality it’s a bit cruel.” 
However the majority of those who answered the question said that people were making too much of a fuss over the group, and that it was a “storm waiting to blow over”.
@parkermax said: “This is just something that goes on at any uni, who cares what some randomer says. Just ignore it and move on.” 
@samblanchard9 replied: “Keyboard warriors or not, people need to stop acting like it’s crushing their human rights. The storm will pass.” 
Another user stated that there had been worse pages at Kingston and no action had been taken place. @joestanleysmith claimed: “It’s a less offensive version of #kingstonexposed. Nothing got done about that, nothing will get done about this!”
Vice-Chancellor Julius Weinberg and Vice President of Student Life Lucy Williams issued a joint statement on Wednesday morning, saying the page “could quite easily result in the perpetrators’ expulsion”.
Mr Weinberg added: “Is your degree really worth throwing away over an immature and quite frankly cowardly page?”

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