Kingston students revealed their New Year resolutions
The River asked students burning topical questions after their weekly Wednesday boogie.
The River asked students burning topical questions after their weekly Wednesday boogie.
Students have filed a formal complaint over the implementation of a new late door policy claiming that it is too strict.
Kingston University released new plans for how the Kingston School of Art will look like at the end of its refurbishment in December 2019.
A KU student is waiting to be sentenced after he crashed his motorbike into the back of another car while rubbernecking another accident, Bexley Magistrates’ court heard.
The Student Union are reviewing their policies after students complained about a facial aesthetics advert sent to students by the SU on Wednesday January 10.
A shocked black KU student has condemned racism on social media after a girl on Tinder abused him with a racial slur in response to a chat-up line.
Since high school, he has struggled with depression and feeling invisible. Melina Pambou Sundfør talks to Patrick Tatarian about his loneliest hours and how his job as Roehampton Vale officer…
A former KU criminal law student’s career has been left in tatters after she participated in a £750,000 fraud.
Students in fear of getting the flu have been encouraged by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group to get the flu jab, particularly those in at-risk groups such as pregnant women,…
The River debated if latecomers should be allowed in to class
The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing has introduced a door policy that denies latecomers entry and students are not happy. But should the university deny you entry because the…