Penhryn Road gets new crossing outside Main Building

Planners have the go-ahead to build a new signal crossing outside the Main Building at Penhryn Road campus.

After lobbying by KUSU, the Kingston Borough Council approved plans for the new crossing following several incidents and collisions involving students crossing the road in the past.

Confirming the council decision in a letter to the SU they stated: “Kingston Town Neighbourhood Committee considered a report on this subject in September 2014 and they approved the introduction of a signal crossing outside Kingston University Penhryn Road Campus subject to no strong objections being received.

“We work to reduce road causalities within the borough through training, education, awareness and initiative.”

For years students have been making the dangerous dash across the road instead of using the pedestrian crossing 300 yards outside the Town House.

In the past three years there have been 19 incidents on that stretch of road of which 15 involved vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists, school children, and the elderly according to the Council.

KUSU mentioned three incidents outside the University all of which were related to the pedestrian crossing.

Denza Gonsalves, president of KUSU, proudly shared the news in a Facebook post which said: “After years of lobbying the KBC (Kingston Borough Council) for [a] signal crossing in front of the Main Building on Penhryn Road, the Council have finally considered a report and approved the plan.”

The new crossing will be in front of the bus stop making it safe for students and other pedestrians to safely cross the road to the university campus.

A KUSU spokesperson said: “As part of all the student and university feedback received about this, there is strong support for this to happen.”

Drama and English student, Lauren Parker, 20, thought the new crossing will be useful in keeping students safe.

“The new crossing will prevent students from being run over when trying to get to their bus in time,” she said.

“We might be a bit lazy not to walk down to the next crossing, but people would keep doing it regardless if we got a crossing or not. Therefore, it’s a great idea.”

Parker also praised KUSU for using student feedback and pushing the council to approve the plans.

“It’s good to know that the SU look after us students and take us seriously when we come to them with issues,” she said.

Third year drama student, Ellie Devereux-Roberts, agreed with Parker and said the new crossing would help drama students cross over the road safely when going for lessons in the Reg Bailey building.

“It will make my life a lot easier,” she said. “Usually I just run across the road hoping I won’t get run over. It’s a nightmare.”

The Council has not given any information as to the cost of the project or when the crossing will be finished.

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