The first monthly Creative Kickstart workshops took place this week led by and run for artists of colour currently studying at KSA as well as returning Alumni.
The main idea of these events is to help and support Black, Asian and minority students to find their path after graduation and share experiences with one another.
“Creative Kickstart comes from my own want to specialise and facilitate events opportunities and working experiences for minority underrepresented groups.”
Kyle Campbell-Pope, organiser of the Creative Kickstart events.
Storm Foster and Brianna Lois Parker, both KSA graduates were invited to talk about their arts and careers as artists of colour.
Foster’s work focus mostly on aesthetics, race and stereotypes. She specialises in material culture and technology, where she creates her own artifacts.

Foster comes from the mixed background, which is why she created her own flag that represents her.
“That’s a lot of different places I come from and there’s no flag that represents me like completely so I mixed all the places I’m from together: Britain, Jamaica, Nigeria, Wales and others,” said Foster.
Foster talked about the process of exploring and accepting her blackness. “It’s been a long journey for myself learning how to love my hair and not straighten it,” she said.
The second guest, Brianna Lois Parker is a painter and she creates portraits of Black people.

She joined the event online via Teams and talked about her inspiration for works as well as sharing her experience as an artist of colour.
Creative Kickstart events are free and will run from January to July.