
Kim Richters

Rhian Witty, Samantha Bailey and Jess Linehan, who study fine art at Kingston University, held a collaborative exhibition with three Wimbledon College of Art students at a gallery in Dalston on November 22.

Twenty-year-old Rhian Witty said: “I thought it would be a great chance to work with new people, a chance for both Kingston University and Wimbledon students to learn from each other, and an opportunity to strengthen ties between both universities.”

Tensions and conflicts

The six students each created one piece of work, which were exhibited at the La Media Studios on Kingsland High Street. The title chosen by the students for their exhibition was Unharmony.

KU fine art student Jess Linehart said: “We chose the title ‘Unharmony’ to represent the different works and ideas, conflicts and solutions present in all artistic work.

“‘Unharmony’ worked well for us, being the incorrect spelling of ‘disharmony’ it naturally gives the ear that uncomfortable feeling when heard, that represents the ideas behind the pieces and the strange collaboration between painting students and broad-based students.”

Control, balance, disharmony and influence

The art pieces created by the three KU students all deal with an intimate psychological factor such as control, balance, disharmony and influence.

“I originally began on a personal level, looking at the impact what I eat and drink has on me,” Samantha Bailey said about her art piece.

“More that appearance and health, I explored my own relationships with my family and friends, and worked around the effect these had on me and on my decisions and choices in life – everything thing from my degree choice and relationship to simply luck and chance based on decisions that had been influence by eating and drinking.”

More professional feel

The students, who are between 20 to 23 years old, chose La Media Studios in Dalston, London because they felt it was a professional location to exhibit their art. 

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