Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

Kingston University student band release EP debut

By River Reporter Sep 28, 2012

Kingston University student band Think Like Valencia released their new EP More Than Just Mistakes on Wednesday.

Alexia Ganotaki

Kingston University student band Think Like Valencia released their new EP More Than Just Mistakes on Wednesday.

The up-and-coming pop/rock band played their EP single complete with six songs for the first time at 1939 Peel in Kingston, winning over the audience with catchy melodies and with a drive in of heavy drum beats.

The local band’s six members David Wilkes, Daniel Smith, Carmen Ho, Connor Thompson, Scott Franklin and Tristan Frazer have already established themselves since their formation earlier this year. They are now touring their new single in venues up and down the UK. Next stops are in Norwich, Cambridge and Manchester.

We asked Daniel Smith, lead guitarist and backup vocals of the band, some questions about their EP and how it came together. He also gave tips to new artists about life in the music industry.

How did you first get involved with music?

“When I was a kid my dad constantly bombarded me with music in the car like Dire Straits, Eric Clapton, which is what got me into music in the first place. When I discovered Blink 182 later, that was when I decided I wanted to play guitar. For everyone in the band it was all the parents’ influences, we all picked up instruments and ended up in University.”

How did you start the band?

I had always organised bands, and I would always get people involved. I first heard that a guy who lived opposite me (Tristan) played the drums, and from then on I was just scouting for potential members, asking everyone what instruments they could play. That’s how it all came together. We did have a few hiccups along the way, but with a lot of practice it all kicked off. We all knew we would have fun together, as well as write good material.”

What inspired you to write the music for the EP?

“I am really into a band called Angels and Airwaves. Their music is all about space and is really melodic, so I wanted to replicate that. We all wanted to create similar kinds of music to that but with our own voice.”

What tips would you give to other young artists who want a headstart in their new band?

“If you genuinely love music so much, you should just go for it as there are endless opportunities, no matter what anyone says. You can get a gig everyday of the week, every hour of the day as long as you try your best and follow your dreams.”

Could you tell us about the songwriting and recording process?

“I would always get ideas for new songs in my head at random places, for example when I would be standing in a shop. I would then go home, lay down a demo and then the band would take it forward. Carmen who does the keyboard and the lyrics is a great songwriter. We do everything ourselves.”

What are your future plans as a band?

“Trying to stick together. I don’t know a band at University who has got together and has done the things we’ve done. We are working on releasing this EP properly by getting it out on iTunes.”

What tips could you give to new artists to overcome any mistakes they have made when performing live?

When you make a mistake you don’t ever stop. What works for us is getting the crowd involved to cover it up. Most of the time people don’t even notice your mistakes, you just have to keep going by doing gig after gig.

Message Think Like Valencia on their facebook page, to listen to their new tunes.

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