If you haven’t already read ‘Week one’ you can read it here.

Day eight: Friday
I was rushing around like a headless chicken trying to meet several deadlines before a Zoom call at 3pm. But by 8pm it was all done and out of the way and I could finally breathe again.
Day nine: Saturday
Do you ever just think about your bones? I’m procrastinating doing work right now by watching the bones move under the skin in my foot. It’s crazy how we have a whole skeleton inside us. I’ve lost all motivation now that I’m stuck inside. It feels like it’s been one really long day only broken up by long naps.
It feels like we’re half in university and half out.

Day 10: Sunday
Online church day today. I couldn’t go to the in-person service so I made do by watching the livestream on YouTube. It was very weird but it did mean that I could stay in my PJs for the 11am service… and the 6.30pm service.
Day 11: Monday
I feel so lost. My Wifi is cutting in and out so I can’t watch a TV show but I’ve lost all desire to do anything. I killed time by playing games on my phone including Texas Hold’em and Solitaire.

Day 12: Tuesday
I spent some of the day lying face down in my pillow listening to Elvis. I was on a bit of a Lilo and Stitch kick. I got so bored that I tidied my bedroom and took the bins out. And then I played Sims University for a while, just to feel a bit of normality again.
Day 13: Wednesday
I did some online work today which gave me some purpose and I made some money!
Day 14: Thursday
It’s the last day of my self-isolation today! I can’t wait to stay at home because I want to, not because I have to.
A week out of isolation and the country’s going into lockdown again. Fab!
If you are struggling in isolation, help and support is available via Kingston University’s Wellbeing services. Or you can contact Samaritans at any time on 116 123.