43 per cent of Kingston Students have smoked weed.
A survey on drug usage among Kingston students conducted by The River revealed that the gender gap is much lower than the national survey findings.

Experts were not surprised, since as a general rule, students – regardless of their gender – tend to be more irresponsible and less aware of risks.

It is important to keep in mind that national statistics took into account adults from the ages of 16 to 59.

It is not surprising that our survey found the gender gap considerably reduced. When you compare young women in university with the women who are in full-time jobs and/or caring for their families, the mind-set is quite different.

The instincts that come with being a woman start to kick in with age. The need for a somewhat sensible life and the “healthy life-style” has been postponed until way after graduation.

One of the reasons professionals attribute the big gender gap in national statistics is because women tend to be addicted to prescriptions drugs instead of recreational ones – the only ones taken into account in the national survey.

Experts also believe that the stigma that has always been attached to women doing drugs is why statistics show women’s drug usage being considerably lower. Researchers found that women may “tone down” their answers in fear of being judged.

Kingston women may not be into drugs more than any other woman out there, but they may be part of a generation that saw – at least some – gender stereotypes and stigmas taken down.

Young, educated women may not fear the judicious eye as much as their older counterparts.

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