Student officers are bringing changes to KU

KU student in PR campus shop

This year’s Black History Month was a huge success; students were given the opportunity to get involved with interactive activities, events, discussions and guest speakers throughout the month.

Sanitary products are considerably cheaper and after five months of battling with the University, Knights Park now has an extra microwave.

Roehampton Vale officer, Patrick Joseph, said: “Big changes take a long time to happen, since negotiating with the university is often a slow and bureaucratic process (it took five months just for them to buy a microwave).”

Knights Park officer, Beatrice Carey, said: “Knights Park have to deal with having the smallest canteen in the University on one of the most congested campuses.”

Carey played a huge role in planning events for Black History Month. KU hosted more events for this month than any other university in the UK.

“Our main aim is when it comes to bigger changes including things like pushing for the cost of campus food to be reduced, pushing for improvements to the bus service, improving the personal tutor scheme etc.”

Campus shops now stock cheaper varieties of sanitary products after pressure from our student officers. A cheaper brand has been introduced, stocking Maxi and Ultra pads for just 89p.

A student led union magazine is also coming soon to KU. It has already been sent to print.

Penrhyn Road officer, Daisy Du Toit, said: “It will be a place for all students to contribute and get involved from all four campuses.

Since we are a charity, everything we do is for the students and for the students only. We are here to support, empower and enrich the student experience.”