A water leak in Eadweard Muybridge building at the Penryn Road campus meant that students and staff were not able to access their usual lecture rooms on Monday January 10.
The university is working on alternative teaching arrangements to ensure that the learning of students is not disrupted.
Kingston University said on Twitter: “Students and staff who use the building for their studies or other activity are advised to check their emails or the KU app for updates.”
Teaching for arts, social sciences, radiography and pharmaceutical studies all take place in the Eadweard Muybridge building.

Many of these students were left confused after having their timetables switched at late notice on the first day of this semester.
Karin Markovic, a creative writing and publishing master’s student, said: “I have absolutely no idea what is going on. I am so lost. It is the first day of term this semester and no one is showing up to the class we have been moved to.”
The extent of the damage and the duration of the building closure is still unknown.
The university plans to open the building as soon as possible once repairs are made to avoid further disruption.
Another master’s student, Vanshika Parmar, said that she was really glad that classes had been moved to the main building.
“It was so confusing to find the Eadweard Muybridge building. I prefer having lectures here,” she said.
Kingston University students are encouraged to look at their emails and timetables to see if their classes have been affected by the incident.
Kingston’s Information Centre team can assist students with any queries they may have.