Kingston students complete their first week of fasting

ramadan postersPosters at Kingston University. Credit: Bakar Hassan

Ramadan, the Islamic holy month, began on March 22 and lasts for a month in which many Muslims do not eat from sunrise till sunset.

The first few days are often the hardest due to the drastic changes in lifestyle this brings about and can often be difficult for many.

Small things such as changes in surroundings or circumstances can make a big difference though and various factors have made this Ramadan at Kingston feel different than previous years.

Abdulaziz Alodhibi, a student at Kingston said: “Ramadan this year is much easier than the past few years, the weather being a key factor in facilitating this.”

Kingston University has so far done a great job in helping Muslim students enter this month of change by allowing students to go to pray during lessons as well as having understanding staff.

There have been events held such as community Iftars (meals at sunset in which the fast is broken) held in the university.

Others have also seen positive changes in their studies such as better concentration and discipline.

“Albeit being hard, its been good so far”

Abdullah Z, Kingston student

Abdullah Z, another student said, “I’ve noticed an increase in my attention span and my ability to intake information is much better.

Other smaller events such as competitions and games are being held for by the Islamic Society.

For more information look out for posters or contact the Islamic Society.

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