“Congrats to us!” – Gay Marriage Bill is passed in the House of Commons

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill was passed in the House of Commons after a long day of debate.

Rochelle Claxton

With a whopping 225 vote majority, MPs voted on Tuesday in favour of gay marriage for the first time.

For better, for worse

The vote in the House of Commons was split by 400 backing the bill, to 175 opposing votes. Despite Prime Minister David Cameron describing the bill as an “important step forward”, over half the Conservative party voted against the motion or abstained.

Lib Dem Kingston and Surbiton MP Ed Davey, who voted in favour of the Sex Marriage Same Bill, said: “I think if a couple wish to declare their love and commitment to each other, I do not think the state should get in the way.” 

The vote in quotes

Many students have spoken to The River about their views on gay marriage, the bill, and the right to be partnered through religious union, as well as civil union.

The bill has received a lot of student support via The River’s Facebook page, with the result receiving over 40 ‘likes’. Some of the comments included:

“I think anyone should have the right to be married. We are in 2013, the world changing around us, we should follow suit.”

“I will love regardless of marriage.This is such a great thing. Congrats to us.”

“Took them long enough, no kudos given from me [sic].”

“Though I’m not personally an advocate of marriage, I fully support the right of people to marry if they choose and that includes everyone regardless of sexuality, so I’m celebrating the outcome of today’s vote.”

We are all equal

Deputy Prime Minister and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said: “I genuinely believe that we will look back on today as a landmark for equality in Britain.

“Marriage is about love and commitment, and it should no longer be denied to people just because they are gay.”

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